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Sync Profile#

The Sync Profile is an integral component of SDC, enabling the accurate configuration of devices and validation of configuration payloads. SDC achieves this by synchronizing the device's running store and state store into an internal cache. The synchronization process, including the protocol and strategy used, is customizable through the TargetSyncProfile CustomResource, detailed here.

Synchronization protocols#

SDC supports the synchronization of a device's configuration and state using two protocols: gNMI and NETCONF. The TargetSyncProfile encompasses both protocol-specific and general fields.

General sync Attributes#

These attributes are common across synchronization protocols:

  • validate: If set to true, SDC validates the received updates against the device's schema.
  • workers: Determines the number of cache workers, optimizing write performance to the cache.
  • buffer: Specifies the buffer size for queuing sync updates before writing to the cache.
  • sync: A list of synchronization strategies, each defining a protocol and its specific attributes. Multiple strategies can be employed concurrently.

NETCONF Sync strategy#

For NETCONF synchronization, the netconf strategy is used with protocol: netconf. SDC periodically retrieves the current running configuration of the device using the NETCONF get-config RPC. This can be adjusted with the following attributes:

  • paths: A list of paths included as filter in the get-config RPC.
  • interval: The frequency at which get-config is executed.

Example NETCONF Sync Profile:

kind: TargetSyncProfile
  name: netconf-getconfig
  namespace: default
  buffer: 0
  workers: 10
  validate: true
  - name: config
    protocol: netconf
    - /
    mode: sample
    encoding: config
    interval: 10s

gNMI Sync strategy#

For gNMI synchronization, set the protocol to protocol: gnmi:

SDC supports various gNMI subscription modes:

  • onChange: Corresponds to gNMI stream mode ON_CHANGE.
  • sample: Matches gNMI stream mode SAMPLE, using interval as the sample-interval.
  • once: Equivalent to gNMI mode ONCE, where a SubscribeRequest is sent at each interval.

Other gNMI specific attributes:

  • encoding: The gNMI encoding used for subscriptions.

Example of an onChange gNMI SyncProfile:

kind: TargetSyncProfile
  name: gnmi-onchange
  namespace: default
  buffer: 0
  workers: 10
  validate: true
  - name: config
    protocol: gnmi
    - /
    mode: onChange
    encoding: config     # SRLinux specific encoding (id: 45)

Example of a gNMI TargetSyncProfile with both once and onChange modes:

kind: TargetSyncProfile
  name: gnmi-onchange-and-once
  namespace: default
  buffer: 0
  workers: 10
  validate: true
  - name: config
    protocol: gnmi
    - /
    mode: onChange
    encoding: config
  - name: all_once
    protocol: gnmi
    - /
    mode: once
    encoding: ASCII
    interval: 5m