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First install kubectl if not already installed

Auto completions for kubectl (optional)#

source <(kubectl completion bash)
alias k=kubectl
complete -o default -F __start_kubectl k
source <(kubectl completion zsh)
alias k=kubectl
complete -F _start_kubectl k

Install Kubernetes (optional)#

To install sdc on a kubernetes cluster we first need to install a kubernetes cluster. Other than the minimum version being v1.291, Sdc has no special requirements on the k8s cluster, so any k8s flavor should work, bearing in mind the minimum version1

First install kind using kind

In this example we install a kind cluster with name sdc.

kind create cluster --name sdc

Install Cert-Manager#

The config-server (extension api-server) requires a certificate, which is created via cert-manager. The corresponding CA cert needs to be injected into the cabundle spec field of the api-service resource.

kubectl apply -f
# If the SDCIO resources, see below are being applied to fast, the webhook of the cert-manager is not already there.
# Hence we need to wait for the resource be become Available
kubectl wait -n cert-manager --for=condition=Available=True --timeout=300s deployments.apps cert-manager-webhook

  1. A minimum kubernetes version of v1.29 is required to support API Priority and Fairness